Frenemies Pt. 2 - Tyler Cruise, Liz Jordan FullHD 1080p

Frenemies Pt. 2 - Tyler Cruise, Liz Jordan FullHD 1080p 3

Tyler (Cruise) pulls up his pants, as he and his stepsister Kyler (Quinn) get dressed. “You have to promise me something”, she says. “Not to tell anyone?”, he asks. “Well that, and you have to promise to never see Liz”, she says. “Uh…”, he pauses. “Pinky promise”, she says, and they wrap their little fingers around each other as a pledge. Kyler leaves the bedroom, saying “Bye”. Later, Tyler is doing jumping jacks in the living room when Liz (Jordan) arrives and knocks on the door. He opens it, and she says: “Um, you don’t have to do that on my account”, as he fumbles trying to put on his shirt. “Is Kyler home?”, she asks. “Kyler?”, he says. “Your stepsister, dummy”, she responds. “I know, but no, she isn’t”, he declares, adding: “I’ll let her know you stopped by”. “Well, aren’t you going to invite me inside?”, she asks. “I shouldn’t”, he contends. “Not very friendly of you”, she states. “Well…”, he pauses. “Well what?, she asks. “At least offer me a glass of water for my troubles”, she requests. “I can’t”, he says. “You can’t”, she mocks. “I promised Kyler”, he insists. “Okay”, she says, and walks past him into the living room. “Wow. Nothing’s changed in here”, she remarks. “Kyler’s gonna freak out if she knows I let you in”, Tyler complains. “What, are you afraid of her?”, Liz asks. “Anyways, I’m here to see you”, she announces. “Yeah, that’s the problem”, he says. “Problem? What about that glass of water?”, she asks, sitting down on the living room couch. He goes and fetches the water, and she says “Thank you”. “Are you really going to sit way over there?”, she asks. “I’m not taking any chances”, he replies. She intentionally spills the water on her shirt, exclaiming: “Oh no! Look what I did”, adding “I’m such a klutz”, as she puts the glass down on the coffee table. Liz starts to remove her wet shirt, interrupted by Tyler yelling: “Wait, wait, what are you doing?”. “My shirt’s wet”, she answers. “So you’re just going to get undressed in my parents’ living room?”, he accuses. “We could go somewhere more private”, she flirts. “I think you should leave”, he declares. “Can you at least get me a new shirt before I leave?”, she requests. “Fine”, he says. “Where do you think you’re going?”, he asks, as she gets up from the couch. “I’m not gonna wear just anything”, she insists, “If it’ll make things faster, then fine”, he says, as she follows Tyler to the bedroom. Entering the bedroom, he grabs several shirts from a dresser drawer. Liz sits down on the bed, and he throws her the shirts, asking: “Are any of these good?”. “Yeah”, she replies, as she looks through the apparel. “Just let me know when you’re done”, he says brusquely. “You’re such a prude”, she says disdainfully, and removes her wet shirt.

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Duration: 00:35:57
Size: 1638 Mb

aincest – 40248 Liz Jordan.mp4

Categorized in:

Sister and Brother,

Last Update: March 31, 2025