Slutty step-daughter has special going away present for Daddy
I pull my shirt up over my tits. I want you to remember me for a long time. I rub and lick my tits as I straddle your lap. Daddy’s little girl is all grown up isn’t she. I squeeze my tits together, showing off for you. I begin to pull my skirt down revealing my pretty pink panties. You like this view Daddy.
I pull them off, you wouldn’t forget this would you? I bend over and shake my ass right in your face. Mmhm, yeah feel my wet pussy Daddy. See what you do to your little girl? I crawl back between your legs and begin sucking and rubbing your cock, slurping my spit off of your huge, swollen cock. I lick the tip as you get harder and harder. You like that Daddy? I keep sucking. You like when your little girl sucks your hard cock. I spit on your cock and jerk you up and down with both my hands. I continue to work your cock in both my hands. Wanna cum on my ass Daddy? I turn around and rub my ass against you throbbing cock. I jerk you up and down against my ass nice and slow. I stroke faster and faster. I turn around and crawl between your legs, getting as close to your cock with my perfect tits as possible. Or do you want to cum on these Daddy? I feel your cock get rock hard as your load practically shoots to the tip of your cock. I jerk as fast as I can until you explode you thick load all over my tits. Think about me while I’m away Daddy. I don’t want you to forget your little girl.
Format: mp4
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Duration: 00:09:54
Size: 151 Mb