The contractors should be done with your room next week. I know you don’t like sharing the…
Sweetie, we talked about this. You can’t play with step mom anymore. We can’t let your father…
You need to listen to me. I’m you’re real mom now, whether you like it or not….
Sorry, my mom is supposed to ask first. Don’t freak out. She’s just really horny. I usually…
Don’t be embarrassed. Let me watch too. I’m your step mom, I need to make sure you’re…
You should really start listening to me.. Whether you like it or not, I’m your mom now….
That’s not what I heard. It didn’t sound like you were working on a school project with…
Well, we did have a long flight.. The beach isn’t going anywhere. We should relax a little…
I don’t know why he didn’t show up for our date. Maybe because I’m too old, or…
Honey don’t be embarrassed. I’m your step mom, but I’m still a nurse. I can answer any…